Labor is Pain…
I am now entering a first stage labour. Since last night, contractions woke me up constantly. After hours, I am now having contractions 5 – 10 minutes apart. Learning about all the technical aspects of childbirth is definitely valuable for me, doing all the breathing technic and pelvic floor muscle exercise with yoga and pilates sure help on recovery but I don’t even feel it is helping on managing the pain.
If I asked my friends and my sisters, every women face a different challenges during labor, with pain ranging from mild to extreme. Some went through natural labour and some took the pain killer option to manage the pain. When I was a child, I wished I was a boy because between giving birth and circumcision , I prefer the latter. In my mind, after I saw some mammals gave birth, the pain of circumcision will be more manageable.
What does labor actually feel like?
They don’t call it labor for nothing. Mothers definitely acknowledged how much work was involved. The wavelike effect that they describe is not like a trip to the beach. I could feel each contraction coming on, building and building, intense waves of pain, coming right on top of one another, and coming down. When the contraction over, I feel completely fine. Each and every contraction lasts about 1 minute or more. Longest 1 minute ever.
Sharp stabbing pain, radiate from my back coming to my uterus, as if someone stab me from the back and slowly bring the knife to the butt, hips and rectum. I am stuck between agony with my contractions, ecstasy when I sneaked a push in, and feeling like I am trying to stop a freight train (trying not to push when the urge is there). I am so aware of what is going on with my body. I am trying to have a calm state of mind, when my 2 year old, a screamer, came back from school feeling tired with his legendary short temper, fighting with his sister for no valid reasons, scream and cry out loud with his full energy. Transferring my inner zen to him, with this heavy painful body, I ask him nicely to be calm. He is good now, playing with his guns and army of dinosaurs.
Do not speak, just be here for me. All I need to listen right now is my body telling me that it is preparing me for these intense pain. Telling me what to do. I want just to be accompany by positivity.
I am not sure if the labor will be today. I am trying to distract myself and manage this pain best I could. It maybe intense false labor, or it maybe time for the labor. Anyhow, pray all will be well and Allah will ease the pain.
Stay tune

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Thank you dear. I wish i have more time to write. Hope you are well and not losing your interest in me 😉
By the way, I was selling Nu skin years back to earn extra income when i was working. Still using the products, though I am no longer selling them. Open for suggestions, though i am taking my time to lose weight.